Sloganizer - instant slogansSloganizer - DeutschSloganizer - EnglishSloganizer - Sloganize

What does Sloganizer do?
Not much, actually. He generates slogans for you, and he's really good at it! At the moment Sloganizer can create 320 slogans from your personal keyword and texts from his database. In less than no time you produce highly effective advertising slogans. They don't always make sense, but they always look good! Fantastic, don't you agree?

And how do I use it, this Sloganizer thingie?
Do I really need to explain that? Type any keyword you like and click "Sloganize!". Blink once and have a look - wow it's a slogan!

Who developed Sloganizer?
An employee of sitepoint ltd did it. That happened the day after x-mas 2004, snow and boredom were the occasional causes. I admit it - that day only the structure came to life. The design (if I may call it that) was finished until New Years Eve. Sloganizer went online officially on January 1, 2005. Remember that, could be important some day!

Man versus machine. Who's got more up top?
Good question, honestly. I just go on and daresay, Sloganizer will create a better text for you than some copywriter who racked his brain all night over a slogan. Yes I know, life can be a bitch!

I'd like to use the slogans for advertising purposes. May I?
Go ahead, no problem. Just make sure, you don't violate existing trademark protection. Would be nice though, if you could reference your source. Especially when used on the internet, Sloganizer would appreciate if you published a link!

What else would make Sloganizer happy?
Well, you could tell your friends and relatives about Sloganizer. You could spread Sloganizer by e-mail or post a link in a messageboard of your choice. You could even advertise in your local media? you see, the possibilities are all out there.

Thanx, your Sloganizer

Sloganizer - instant slogans

So far 86'356'443'333 slogans have been created. At the moment our slogan database contains 320 entries.
Site built up in 0,000 seconds. 324.3 slogans per second. KAS

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